Pottery enchanted me during college. A flexible material under the fingers, which only changed its shape with pressure and made it possible to create incredible shapes and combinations.
At first I just got acquainted with its properties, trying out what the muddy cuddly material can do. However, when I saw what the surrounding colleagues were creating on the course, including the lecturer, I also dared.
I have always been most attracted to utility ceramics, for its symbiosis of beauty and usefulness. I don’t understand when there is something just for decoration, moreover when it is still beautiful. I feel like taking it in my hands, feeling every shape, structure, temperature, weight with each piece of nerve endings.
This is how I played with the clay. They are finer clays, almost soft, until you find clay that contains rough pieces that can even prick you. The clay has many colors from white, through yellowish, orange, gray to brown-black.
I also tested different modeling techniques and styles. Through sculptures, statues, ornaments, modeling on pottery wheel, modeling through molds. Once, when I set myself the goal of making a coffee set for a friend, my hands began to twist the spirals instead. I didn’t even think about it and a bowl was created. Another time, instead of the original plan, I made a spiral tray. My hands clearly lived their own lives.
I slowly have realized that spirals are my pattern now, and I watched where it led me. Whenever I did something in the kitchen, I subconsciously perceived the shapes of all kitchen tools as they were. Gradually, I sorted a set of bowls that actually looked the same, only were different sizes. I tried what it would do with the spirals. And so the biggest form of my introductory series of bowls was created. It was beautiful. I dressed her in a red robe, as befits a queen.
When I model, I move to another world. I think it models my soul. When I’m done, I always seem to wake up from a dream. I see it as meditation. The spirals themselves are a very strong shape and can be found everywhere in nature. I feel that with every spiral I make, I connect with life. Every bowl is a message of life.
And part of life is also the rituals of eating – from the daily breakfast, through the weekend lunches, to the family’s festive celebrations. We don’t have to perceive their charm only through smell or taste. Beautiful dining and bowls that please the eye can bring joy, comfort, beauty and love to our lives.
This is the message of my spirals,
From the bottom of my heart I wish you joy, comfort, beauty and love,